Understanding Air France 447
Understanding Air France 447
Bill Palmer
Revised ebook Edition 1.03
©2013 William Palmer, Jr.
All rights reserved
ISBN: 978-0-9897857-0-9, .epub
ISBN: 978-0-9897857-1-6, .mobi
ISBN: 978-0-9897857-2-3, paperback
The Flight Crew
Communication Breakdown
Intertropical Convergence
Into the Weather
"I Have the Controls"
Stalling and Falling
The Human Element
Lessons Learned
Going Forward
About the Author
Despite the fact that regulatory or investigative bodies have been labelling aircraft accidents as “pilot error” for years, I still feel my blood pressure rise when anyone uses that tag. To be honest, there are very few aviation accidents these days that aren’t pilot error … the engine and airframe technology is simply so good today that systems aboard an airplane seldom fail.
All too often however, the mainstream media doesn’t realize that pilot error is nothing more than a symptom of the accident and almost never the actual cause of the mishap. We already know the crew probably made a mistake. They were, of course, the men and women sitting in the cockpit at the time of the accident weren’t they?
But pilot error is simply the end of the road to a chain of unfortunate events … a road marker pointing to a much bigger problem. The real question everyone should be asking is why … why do experienced cockpit crews often make a series of seemingly simple blunders that lead to a tragic outcome.
Captain Bill Palmer and I first connected a few years ago through the aviation-industry blog – Jetwhine.com – I’ve been publishing since 2006. Jetwhine exists to stimulate discussions that bring random industry people together to speculate (another word non-industry types seem to hate) when things go wrong. I remember some of Bill’s comments to some of our stories, comments that made it clear early on that he wasn’t simply a man with an opinion. Bill Palmer was a man who knew what he was talking about and was someone who wasn’t afraid to go out on a limb putting the pieces together from which others might learn.
Jetwhine started running stories soon after the Air France accident, the first called, Lessons From the Crash of Air France 447, and others like, Air France 447: The Cost of What We’ll Learn. Bill and his thoughts and ideas jumped to the forefront when Air France 447 Pilot Error? Probably, but … was published in June 2011.
During the back and forth of the online conversations about those stories, Bill Palmer was there … not just adding opinions, but adding his technical expertise as an A330 instructor pilot, a veteran airline captain and as the man who’d written the A330 systems manuals for his airline. He explained the details of how things worked, as well as insights into how some systems might have added to the chaos in the cockpit that night over the middle of the South Atlantic. Sure there were people who popped up in our 447 discussions who tried to prove Bill Palmer didn’t know what he was talking about, but they didn’t last long. Knowledge and experience trump random opinion every time.
When Bill told me he was writing a book about the 447 accident to educate anyone willing to read it about what he believes might have happened that awful June evening, I wasn’t at all surprised. I was even less surprised when he told me another goal was to once and for all explain to people how the systems aboard the A330 actually worked, as well as some of the traps any computer creates for users unwilling or unable to spend enough time to understand them in depth.
So sit back and prepare to be educated, entertained and awed, yes, awed. For within the pages of this latest version of Bill Palmer’s book, Understanding Air France 447, readers will learn as much – or more – about the A330 than some line pilots probably know today.
By the time you’ve finished, you too will probably learn – as I did – the why behind what caused three experienced pilots aboard Air France 447, to not simply lose control of their aircraft, but to be so overwhelmed by the experience, that they were unable to regain control of the aircraft before it splashed into the sea taking 228 people to their deaths. With this volume, Captain Bill Palmer proves yet again, that pilot error only represents the beginning of a solid accident investigation.
Rob Mark, Evanston, IL
July 2013
Robert P. Mark is an ATP-rated pilot with both airline and private business jet aviation flying experience. He spent 10 years of his life in air traffic control with the FAA and has authored five books under the McGraw-Hill label. In addition to Jetwhine, Robert Mark serves as editor for AINSafety, the weekly online journal of aviation safety published by Aviation International News.
On the night of May 31, 2009 Air France 447, an Airbus A330-200, left Rio de Janeiro bound for Paris. Four hours later, after leaving the northern coast of Brazil, they encountered a line of thunderstorms hiding unusual icing conditions at 35,000 feet that caused their airspeed indications to be lost. The autopilot and autothrust disconnected, and the flight controls degraded. The crew was unable to maintain control of the airplane. After climbing nearly 3,000 feet, with both engines running at full power, it plunged to the ocean below in only three minutes and eighteen seconds, killing everyone on board.
All traces of the airplane had vanished for five days until pieces of the wreckage and some of the victims were found floating in the water. Underwater searches for the remainder of the plane and the mysteries it held lasted almost two years and cost millions of dollars. In the meantime, clues emerged and theories abounded about what could have caused the loss of one of the most advanced airliners of our day.
The flight recorders and the final accident report in July 2012 by the French investigative agency BEA, revealed a shocking web of factors that may have contributed to the accident. This book will take you on a journey to understand the crew, the weather, and the unique aspects of the Airbus A330 so that you can truly understand what happened and why.
In the appendix, you will find a glossary, a consolidated image of the key flight recorder parameters
Genesis of this Book
My interest and involvement in the AF447 tragedy has been two fold: Correcting inaccurate assertions about the AF447 crash, and educating Airbus pilots.
As an A330 Check Airman for the last nine years for a major international airline, this accident strikes close to home. I have spent many hours correcting errors and misstatements about how the airplane works, defining various terms in Airbus context via numerous blogs, as well as assisting other authors in their related works. Lots of folks have opinions, and they are entitled to them, but that does not make them technically correct. I felt compelled to bring a deeper understanding of the many subject areas so often misunderstood that relate to this accident.
As an instructor on the aircraft, my interest is to ensure that other A330 pilots understand the vast and quite serious issues raised by this accident. Weather and radar operation, the fly-by-wire control laws, various levels of automation, high-Mach stall, as well as training and manual flying issues are among the factors that must be understood, not only to fully grasp what happened during this accident, but also to prevent future occurrences in similar situations.
I have no ax to grind. There were many factors at play in this accident. Do not look for me to make claims of fundamental design flaws or criminal negligence. My goal is to help you understand the numerous technical aspects required to more fully understand the airplane, th
is accident, and the resulting reports.
This is the story of a modern jetliner that flew into the top of a tropical thunderstorm where ice crystals clogged all three airspeed sensor probes. This resulted in the loss of reliable airspeed indications which started a cascade of degradations in automation, handling characteristics, built in protections, and the ability of the pilots to cope with the situation. Each of these areas will be explored.
Within four and a half minutes of the sensors clogging, the airplane fell from nearly 38,000 feet, crashed into the sea and all on board were killed. There was no sign of the airplane for five days, and it was almost two years before the flight recorders were recovered and the mysteries of what caused this crash were revealed. What the flight recorders revealed opened up new questions, as they often do. This book aims to unravel those mysteries and search for answers to the questions.
Thanks go to my wife Mary for her encouragement and support during endless endless hours of putting this publication together.
To Karlene Petitt for her encouragement, enthusiasm, suggestions, editing work, and help with promotions. To Bob Wander for moral and technical support on both content and publishing.
Thanks to those who provided expert technical information and flight narratives.
And thanks to those who read early editions of the manuscript and provided valuable feedback to help make it better.
Additional Resources
A companion website is available at understandingAF447.com. There you will find additional resources such as the official accident reports from the BEA, cockpit and flight data recorder transcripts that you can print out for reference as you read, and other related articles, reports, and data.
This book’s appendix contains a glossary of terms, and a single-image collection of key flight recorder parameters. These items can also be accessed on the website and may be helpful to print, in order to follow along with the book.
Chapter 1: Chronology
At 8pm local Brazil time on the evening of May 31, 2009 Air France 447 pushed back from the gate at Rio de Janerio, Brazil for a 12 hour flight to Paris, France. The airplane, an Airbus A330-200, entered oceanic airspace two and half hours after takeoff, and was to remain over water and out of radar contact for a significant portion of the night.
Times listed are in UTC (Greenwich time). Local time in Rio De Janeiro is two hours earlier and in Paris: one hour later. There may be terms and concepts mentioned that you do not understand yet. Be patient. I will explain them all.
There were three pilots: Captain Mark Dubois, First Officer David Robert, and First Officer Pierre-Cedric Bonin. Though only two pilots are required to fly an A330, the flight was staffed with three to provide rest breaks due to the long flight time. All three pilots would be in the cockpit for takeoff, First Officer Robert most likely was in the jumpseat located behind and between the other two pilots for takeoff. In the cabin were nine flight attendants and 216 passengers.
Takeoff was at 22:29 UTC, 8:29 pm in Rio de Janerio.
At some point in the climb, typically by Air France procedures at about 20,000 feet, First Officer Robert left the cockpit and started an approximate three hour rest break. Captain Dubois occupied the left seat and First Officer Bonin the right.
The flight climbed to its cruising altitude of flight level 350 (FL350: 35,000 feet).
00:36 The Recife controller advised the flight they were in radar contact, and issued HF (High Frequency long range radio) frequencies for the Atlantico oceanic control center, and instructed them “Until there [INTOL waypoint], maintain this frequency.”
01:14 The crew announced passing the FEMUR waypoint and stated they were contacting Atlantico on HF. The Recife controller asked them to wait until passing INTOL waypoint.
01:31 The Recife controller issued new HF frequencies for Atlantico, and a frequency for Dakar. The controller instructed them to only call Dakar after passing TASIL.
01:33 The crew attempted an ADS logon with Dakar oceanic control. ADS (Automatic Dependent Surveillance) is a position reporting system that can operate beyond the reach of radar. Dakar controls the mid oceanic area between South America and Africa. The logon failed due to an absence of the flight’s data in the air traffic control management system (Eurocat) used by Dakar control. Subsequently, the Dakar controller entered a flight plan into the system. However, an error was made in the entry causing a later logon attempt by the crew to also fail. The flight would proceed by making position reports by voice over HF radio.
01:35 The flight entered oceanic airspace northeast of the South American continent with known weather in the Intertropical Convergence Zone ahead. They made a position report via HF radio with the Atlantico controller and performed a SELCAL (selective calling) check, which verified their ability to receive a call from the controller.
01:45 The flight entered an area of weather and the crew discussed their desire to climb to FL370 to try and get above the weather, but that it was too warm to climb to that altitude.
01:46 First Officer Bonin dimmed the cockpit lights, and turned on the landing lights to see outside. He noted, “It looks like we’re entering the cloud cover. It would have been good to climb now, eh.”
01:49 AF447 exited radar coverage as it passed the SALPU waypoint.
1:51:20 First Officer Bonin remarked “I don’t have the impression there was... much... storm, not much.” The captain remarked, “It’s going to be turbulent for my rest.”
01:56:16 The captain asked First Officer Bonin if he would be doing the landing, and if he were qualified. Bonin replied “yeah.”
02:00 First Officer Robert returned from his rest break and Captain Dubois left for his. The captain did not provide any briefing to Robert other than to confirm HF frequencies ahead. First Officer Bonin was the pilot flying (PF) in the right seat, and the designated pilot in command in the captain’s absence. Robert took the captain’s seat but was second in command. Bonin informed Robert of the inability to climb and that there would be some turbulence ahead like they had recently encountered.
02:01 A third ADS logon attempt failed due to the erroneous registration information that was entered into the Eurocat system.
02:02-02:07 The airplane experienced light turbulence of between 1.1 and 1.25 g’s.
02:06 The two first officers informed the cabin crew that it was going to be turbulent two minutes ahead.
02:07-02:10 The turbulence was borderline moderate, up to 1.5 g’s. Even with the autopilot on the bank angle varied between about three degrees right and five degrees left.
02:08 First Officer Robert adjusted the radar gain setting to increase its sensitivity and suggested a deviation to the left of course. They turned the airplane 12° left of the planned track to avoid the worst of the weather.
02:09:46 The flight encountered an updraft. A sound typical of ice crystals hitting the fuselage was heard. Bonin reduced the cruise speed from Mach .82 to Mach .80, which is the recommended speed for turbulence penetration. The engine speed reduced from 100% N1 to 84%.
02:10:00 The updraft intensified as the airplane pitched down from 2° to 0° to maintain altitude; the autothrust system reduced thrust in order to maintain the speed.
02:10:05 The pitot tubes (the airspeed measurement probes) clogged with ice crystals and the left side indicated airspeed fell from 275 to 60 knots but remained displayed on the PFD (Primary Flight Display). The indicated airspeed1 on the standby instrument fell from 275 to 139 then rose to 223 knots. The right side displays are not recorded, but it is likely that they suffered similar degradations. The autopilot disconnected and the flight director bars disappeared. The airplane’s flight control law changed from Normal to Alternate 2, shutting down many of the built-in protections and increasing the sensitivity to roll inputs.
Due to the loss of indicated airspeed, internal altimeter corrections were automatically recalculated as if the airplane were flying at the lower speeds. This resulted in fa
lse indications of a decrease in altitude of about 300 feet and a downward vertical speed approaching 600 feet per minute.
02:10:07 Bonin said, “I have the controls.” The airplane rolled right and Bonin, the Pilot Flying (PF), began hand flying the airplane and made nose up and left roll inputs.
02:10:08 The autothrust disconnected and went into thrust-lock mode, freezing the power setting at 83% N1 until a pilot assumed manual control of the thrust levers.
02:10:10 The pitch attitude rose from 0° to 6° and the vertical speed increased through 1,800 feet per minute. The g load, due to the pull up, reached 1.6 g’s and the stall warning alerted briefly.
The PF struggled to regain control over the bank angle and overcontrolled the roll input with a series of ten alternating left and right banks. The control inputs were exactly out of phase with the roll motion. Peak bank angle and opposite lateral stick input each occurred at the same time. The roll gradually came under control over the next 30 seconds.
02:10:13 The airspeed on the standby instrument decayed again, and over the next four seconds fell from 270 to 73 knots.
02:10:17 The flight directors appeared for four seconds and directed a return to the cruise altitude.
02:10:20 The pitch continued to increase through 11°, and vertical speed increased through 6,000 feet per minute as the flight directors disappeared again. These pilot inputs were excessive and incompatible with the recommended airplane handling practices for high altitude flight.
02:10:23 Thrust lock was deactivated with an autothrust disconnect button despite the ECAM instructions to do so by moving the thrust levers. The thrust levers remained in the climb detent. (The ECAM, Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor, displays the fault messages and procedures for dealing with them.) The engine speed increased to 104% within 12 seconds.